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Parent Teacher Association (PTA)


Impact of PTA

Research shows when parents, teachers, and students are involved in school, students perform better, they receive higher test scores, grades, and have better attendance. Children of involved parents also exhibit increased motivation, better self-esteem, and fewer instances of negative behavior. Those great benefits come from parent involvement, a major focus of PTA!

Why should I join PTA?

When you join PTA, you will become connected to the wonderful Sandia Base Community. You will have a voice in enhancing your child’s learning experience by volunteering for committees, supporting activities, and speaking up at general PTA monthly meetings. PTA members get voting privileges.

Who is PTA for?

PTA is not just for parents of students but also students, faculty, staff, grandparents, aunts, uncles, community members and leaders. PTA is for anyone wanting to be involved in our children’s future and education.

What does Sandia Base PTA do or support?

  • Student Enrichment: Spelling Bee, Reflections, Family Events

  • Staff Support: Supplemental classroom supplies, Staff and Teacher Appreciation, Testing Support

  • Student Activities: Spring Festival, Dances, School Pictures, Color Run

  • Promotion Celebration for Kindergarten and 5th grade

  • School Improvements: School Equipment and Grounds

  • Student Rewards: Awards, Spirit Reward, Box Top Reward

  • Field Trip Busses

  • And much, much more!

Do I have to volunteer?

No, Sandia Base PTA encourages parent and community involvement to support our children in their academic and social education; however, becoming a member does NOT mean that you must commit to volunteer hours or attend every meeting; we respect that you do only what you can, when you can. Even if you can afford no time other than filling out the membership form and sending in your membership fee, we absolutely welcome you and your support, as the information you learn through out PTA correspondence will really help you connect with your school community.

SBE PTA Facebook Page

QR Code for Sandia Base PTA Facebook Page

PTA Membership and Spirit Wear

QR Code for Sandia Base PTA Spirit Gear Store

APS Volunteer Background Check

QR Code for APS Volunteer Background Checks