APS Attendance Policies
Excused Absences
Absences may be excused for the following reasons with proper notification:
- Illness (including chronic illness documented on a health plan, IEP or 504 plan)
- Limited family emergencies
- Family deaths
- Medical, health or legal appointments
- Religious commitments
- College visits
- Deployment of a military parent/guardian
- Limited extenuating circumstances as approved in advance by the school principal
- Tribal obligations
Unexcused Absences
All absences for reasons not included under excused absences shall be considered unexcused. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Non-school sponsored activities or trips
- Family vacations outside of the normally scheduled school breaks
It is recommended to provide documentation for any absence to have on file in the office. All absences, including excused, count towards the total percentage of missed school for students. By providing documentation, the attendance team can better review your student's case in the event that attendance becomes a concern.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I report and absence for my student?
Call the Sandia Base Attendance Line at 505-268-4356, option 2.
Please state name, teacher, and reason for the absence for each student that you are calling for.
Self-submit the absence in ParentVUE
Select the type of absence and include a brief explanation.
Please note that attendance can and will be modified to fit within excused and unexcused absence policies per the APS website.
What is the "Wellness Check" notification from APS?
Any time your student is marked with an unexcused absence from school, you will receive a notification from Synergy. If you have a concern regarding the notification (i.e. your student should be in school, but is marked absent), please call the office immediately to confirm that your student is in class.
Please note: If you reported the absence on the attendance line or in ParentVUE and receive the wellness check, your student was marked absent by their teacher before the clerk was able to enter the excused absence. If your student's excused absence is NOT updated by the end of the day, then please call the office to have it corrected.
What do I do if my student will have an extended absence?
Please contact the office to discuss how long the absence will be and the reason for the absence. The school principal will be notified and determine if the absence will be excused and for how long.
Please notify your student's teacher to inform them of the absence and to discuss make-up work (to be decided by the teacher).
Please provide any necessary documentation or updated absence dates to the office.